A few sentences about the antinomic ambience


My artistic activity has been inspired by the postulates of time and the functioning of computers insatiably feeding on questions and answers, on an enormous quantity of information that we naively believe to be our possession while, in fact, when the computer is not ready to offer them we are practically confronted with a large void in our own knowledge. Therefore, most computers carry the warning: „This machine has no brain, use your own!“

By using the systems that free our brain from memories and recollections, also our unrestrained imagination as well as adopted learning, we enter the world of virtual sensations with short flashes of vague associations, and leave our memory to oblivion.

I believe that the role of art is to be the general signpost, warning and essential refreshment in the worn-out and bleak times. Without it the world would certainly be poorer.


       The virtually-real is a formatted ambience of a materialised mental inbox, buried under a multitude of information, but essentially it is a personalised dialogue with time.

The contemporary world has become a perfect global trap that depersonalises us and transforms us into addicts of theinfo_screen system. We are living in a labyrinth of information, alienated by the rule of the screen, while real life is passing by.

Dušan Todorović